There are so many types of information from coaches to players available these days as coaches are becoming more educated and academically well developed. However, is the more feedback we provide, the better coach we become? An article Keith showed during lecture questioned my deep into my heart. As a foreign rugby coach in this big sporting country, I have been dealing with language as the most of second language speakers would experience in any situations of our lives in foreign country.
Richard A. Schmidt's article described that augmented feedback as extrinsic feedback is beneficial but the effect was based on presence of feedback.
What if there was no feedback for players, during rugby union game where coaches are not allow to communicate to players, except half-time.
Can they still play better in the game situation without the feedback?
He described two variables of learning outcome, learning effects(permanent) & performance effects(temporary) and the most of feedback effects were performance based effects which was said more temporary.
Therefore, during training phase, players need to expose themselves to the situation where feedback are not present. How can we provide situation where players can learn and develop their playing literature in their head and heart without having frequent feedback?
Bandwidth feedback maybe the one I can use. Set area of performance level, skill level or decision making where I can allow players to make mistake and if they made mistake outside of the area, provide feedback for them. Therefore, as training goes, the frequency of feedback should be reduced and players will be more independent to run the session. Also it reported that more stable for acquisition phase and produced more effective performance in later so for junior developmental players, at early stage, providing specific feedback for motor learning development might be better option.
Augmented feedback tends to provide information to players, what was wrong and how to fix it which have never happened during rugby union match. If the augmented feedback is the best of player's information source, it better be for enhancing specific performance in acquisition phase, otherwise, the feedback might degrade player's learning.
This was one information I got it as unit learning outcome.
Less is better?
How can I make the situation happening?
I require more experience and learning from experts.